Is the Basenji a Good Choice for a Family Pet?

Updated on: Aug 13, 2019
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Is the Basenji a Good Choice for a Family Pet?

So, are Basenjis good family dogs? Well, it greatly depends on how you raise it. Being hypoallergenic and shedding minimally, Basenjis are super easy- to-maintain dogs. You can expect a cleaner, fur-free home atmosphere with Basenjis. Also, they tend to exhibit a friendly behavior towards humans and dog fellows, though the same attitude does not apply to small animals!

Zestful and smart-my new Basenjis has proved to be a compatible companion. But, recently, the pet outrageously chased a stray cat, which made me question its reputation as a good family dog.

So, are Basenjis good family dogs? Well, it greatly depends on how you raise it. Being hypoallergenic and shedding minimally, Basenjis are super easy- to-maintain dogs. You can expect a cleaner, fur-free home atmosphere with Basenjis. Also, they tend to exhibit a friendly behavior towards humans and dog fellows, though the same attitude does not apply to small animals!

Perhaps, the analysis of Basenjis position as a good family dog significantly depends on the numerous aspects of its temperament and the way it is polished. Let’s take a closer look at the Basenjis enigma!

Are Basenjis Aggressive or Dangerous? 

Basenjis and Aggressive/Dangerous – Today, the combination of these traits and the breed may seem unrealistic, considering that they become excellent family dogs. However, we all must not ignore the historical fact that traditionally, people used the Basenjis dog breed for hunting and tracking purposes because of their sharp eye-sight.

Overtime, Basenjis have learned to be gentle and polite in a domestic environment

But, they still possess that aggressiveness, though largely suppressed, which was previously, used for hunting games.

Usually, Basenjis exhibit a quiet and friendly attitude towards owners, strangers, and fellow dogs. Also, they interact and play lightly with children, instead of dominating or considering them as potential threats.

However, they cannot be left unattended within the accessibility of small animals like cats, birds, and rabbits. Their hunting instincts are likely to force them into committing undesirable acts. Thus, Basenjis may prove to be dangerous and aggressive towards smaller animals.

Even so, if you still want to raise a variety of pets including cats, birds, and Basenjis dog breed, then train them to live together from an early stage. Being raised together, Basenjis will treat the other animals as part of the pack and will demonstrate less dangerous behavior towards them.

If a Basenji behaves aggressively without being exposed to smaller animals, then the dog may be suffering from medical issues. An aggressive Basenji with the medicinal issue will vocalize unnecessarily like barking and screaming. Also, it will scratch things and display destructive behavior. In extreme cases, Basenjis have been reported to bite their owners.

Such aggressive behavior is observed to be displayed by Basenjis suffering from hypothyroidism. If you notice the initial stages of such unnecessary aggressiveness, then contact a vet as soon as possible. The matter may not only prove dangerous for the owners but also the Basenji.

Basenjis and Kids 

It is a concern to Basenjis owners whether fostering a basenji, among their kids, is a safe choice or not. As people used Basenjis for hunting in the olden times, they are active dogs who prefer to live in packs. If you do not train you Basenji to learn the difference between a puppy and a human kid then, your dog might assume your child as it’s own and perhaps as it’s equal. Your Basenji might even take it upon itself to take care of the child.

Now, this is a very alarming situation since nurturing to a dog, especially to a Basenji, is entirely different as to what nurturing is to you. The Basenji might attempt to discipline your kid in its way, which includes aggressive barking and even subtle bites. It will not only hurt your kid but scare him as well. 

Keep in mind that the Basenjis are very protective of their owners. Hence it has no intention to cause any harm. However, it needs to be trained to behave around a child. You can do this by asking your child to give simple commands to the dog, or to feed the dog from time to time, all under adult supervision. In this way, the Basenji will consider your child more like his superior than a part of his pack.

Are Basenjis Hypoallergenic?

Dogs have a harmful allergen in their dead skin, which causes dog allergies amongst susceptible owners. Does this mean that people without strong immune systems can not keep a dog pet? Of course, yes! 

Fortunately, this world withholds solution for every problem, but only if one strives to achieve it. People who are intensely passionate about dogs but do not want to compromise on their health can always opt for hypoallergenic dogs! Hypoallergenic dogs produce less allergy-causing dangers. Thus, they are more compatible with allergic people.

Keeping itself clean at all times and shedding minimally, the Basenjis is considered to be an excellent hypoallergenic dog. Basenjis dogs have an unusual habit of frequently licking and washing their coat. Since they shed very little, they are known as a cleaner dog breed.

Do Basenjis Drool and Bark a lot?

Whether dogs have a thick coat or thin, heavy structure or delicate, they’re all very dear to us. Nothing can put an end to our love for them. Or is there?

Well, believe it or not, there is a thing that has forced some dog owners to part ways with their furry pal. And quite evidently, it is the habit of excessive barking and drooling. So if you’re planning to adopt a Basenji pup, continue reading to inspect this crucial aspect.

By definition, drooling refers to the dribbling of saliva secreted from your dog’s salivary glands. It is normal and in fact, necessary for your dog’s health until the amount of saliva dripping from your dog’s mouth reaches the red ‘excessive’ label. It can then be a symptom of serious health issue like tooth decay, heatstroke, stomachache, etc. 

Coming back to Basenji, it is amongst the few dogs that do not drool. Even if they do, it’s very less. It represents their high tolerance for high temperatures and a higher probability of less-sloppy kisses! Maintaining their individuality, these smart dogs have another surprising trait; They do not bark. 

The reality might be a bit hard to swallow, but that’s how Besanji’s are. Do they not speak at all, then? Well, no. They do express themselves but through growls, whines, whimpers, and in extreme cases, through screaming.

However, possessing a quiet personality, they do not vocalize very often. Therefore, it is justified to say that Basenji’s will not be irritatingly noisy unless troubled. Thus, in terms of drooling and barking, they’re perfect family dogs.

Basenjis Shedding – A lot or Minimal?

Jumping over the footstool, dashing over the dining, bashing into your pillow – That’s how the energy of a playful Basenji drives him around your home. And you cannot stop it! Probably, you wouldn’t ever like to.

But does that mean, tiny Basenji hair will be sprinkled all over your household? Does that mean you’ll have to compensate for two hours of playtime with six hours of cleaning?

Perhaps, not. Having a short, fine coat Basenjis do not shed to an extent, where breathing becomes an issue. The dog breed has a reputation for minimal shedding, but as a matter of fact, a Basenji shed’s fur moderately. It is the short length and thin nature of their hair, which makes even the moderate shedding appear negligible.

However, like every other dog, the Basenjis have quite a lot of hair-fall when their coat changes in spring. You might have to clean your house twice a week with the vacuum or maybe brush your Basenji thrice a week. Along with keeping your furry pal’s coat shiny and healthy, it will keep the environment of your house free from dog-hair.

Are Basenjis Good Apartment Dogs? 

To become a dog parent, one must make sure whether the breed they are adopting is compatible with their lifestyle or not. Especially, apartment owners who are in the process of adding a new furry member to their family.

Basenjis are known to be one of the most suitable apartment dogs. It is because of their cat-like, quiet nature, and mannerism, which is why they are also known as “barkless” dogs.

However, they are not mute. When distressed, the Basenjis may make yodel or shriek-like sound. It is an exception to their quiet nature and might become a nuisance to your neighbors if you live in an apartment that is not soundproof. 

Basenjis are feisty and extremely affectionate dogs. They are generally active dogs and enjoy indoor playtime. If you live in an isolated or soundproof apartment, then a Basenji will make the perfect apartment dog for you!

Can Basenji shedding be controlled by food?

The diet of a Basenji plays a significant role in maintaining its physical health, mental health, as well as its coat’s shine & density. Although Basenjis shed very low throughout the year, you might still want to revise your Basenji’s diet plan. That’s because an appropriate diet can not only reduce the already low-level of shedding but can also elevate the smoothness and gloss of furry buddy’s coat. 

Therefore, consult your vet and design a proper nutritional diet chart for your Basenji. It should include the right balance of dry and wet food. Occasionally, giving raw meat mixed with vegetables keeps your Basenji happy and healthy.

Are Basenjis susceptible to diseases?

Generally, Basenji is a healthy breed. However, like every other dog, the Basenjis are also susceptible to various bacterial and viral diseases, including rabies, parvo, etc. Though, they have a high risk of developing exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Genetically, the Basenjis are vulnerable to kidney-related health problems, such as kidney stones.

How long to Basenjis live? 

Basenjis have an extended life span as compared to other breeds. They can live up to 12 to 16 years if provided appropriate diet and health care. Since the breed is slightly sensitive, a poor lifestyle can shorten their life substantially.

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