Consider These 25 Questions Before Getting a Havanese Dog

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Consider These 25 Questions Before Getting a Havanese Dog

A close relative to the Bichon Frise breed, the Havanese is a cute and cuddly companion dog. Bred for centuries to be a family dog only, the Havanese has developed lots of qualities that make this breed ideal for most households.

Still, there are a few key specifics to this breed too that can be deal-breakers for some people. To find out if those apply to you, check out our list of the main 25 questions to consider before getting a Havanese.

1. Are Havanese good dogs?

Havanese dogs are a very well-mannered and good-natured breed. Developed to be social and affectionate family companions, these dogs don't have a malicious bone in them.

2. Are Havanese cuddly?

Being cuddly is what the Havanese were bred for. These dogs are social and affectionate first and foremost and they don't do well in kennels. Instead, your Havanese would rather spend every waking second in your lap - at least that is when the dog is running around the house.

3. How smart are Havanese dogs?

Compared to some shepherd or retriever breeds, the Havanese may not seem all that intelligent. However, you do well not to underestimate the smarts of this dog. Just like cats, the Havanese are very clever and tricky. Very offer you may feel more like the dog is training you instead of the other way around. Havanese dogs are very good at picking up behavioral patterns and figuring out how to get what they want. In a nice way, of course.

4. Are Havanese hard to potty train?

Because they live to please people and because they are so smart, Havanese dogs are very easy to train overall. Obedience training is important but also quite easy and simple with just bread. Potty training, on the other hand, is not as simple. However, that's normal for small breeds like that as potty training them often takes a lot of patience, persistence, frequent walk outside, and positive reinforcement.

5. Are Havanese destructive?

Havanese dogs are not destructive by nature. However, their affectionate characters can lead to Separation anxiety. This trait is common for a lot of social and affectionate breeds.

Simply put, it means that if you leave your dog home alone for too long it will get bored, anxious, disobedient, depressed, and outright destructive. To avoid this problem make sure that someone is always spending time with the dog. Whether that's another family member or friend, a dog sitter or a dog walker, or just a second pet, it doesn't matter much. All that matters is that the Havanese is getting the attention it needs.

6. Can Havanese be aggressive?

Havanese dogs are neither guard dogs nor watchdogs. They don't have any aggressive instincts against either people or other dogs. If you see a Havanese dog being aggressive toward somebody then this dog either hasn't been socialized properly or it's been very heavily provocated.

7. Are Havanese good for first time owners?

Given how smart and good-natured these dogs are, they definitely are a good choice for first time dog owners. They are pretty easy to train and very affectionate and loving toward their families too. Pretty much the only thing a first time dog owner can have trouble with is potty training but, again, this applies to every small breed.

8. Are Havanese protective?

While they are not guard dogs, Havanese dogs do have a slight protective Instinct toward their families. Especially when it comes to the family's kids, Havanese dogs can feel protective when a stranger approaches.

9. Is the Havanese breed good with kids?

Very much so. Havanese dogs love all their family members, including the kids. These dogs are loving and gentle while also being quite playful and energetic. Plus, their small size means that they can’t even hurt a child accidentally. Just teach your kid to be affectionate toward the dog too and everything should be perfectly fine.

10. Are Havanese dogs friendly to strangers?

Most of the time – yes. Most of these dogs are not going to be aggressive towards strangers. This breed is going to be suspicious toward people they don't know only if the Havanese hasn’t been socialized well or if the person seems overly aggressive.

11. Do Havanese get along with cats?

Havanese dogs don't have any significant prey drive toward cats or other small animals. So, as long as the dog has been socialized well, as long as the cat doesn't mind, and especially if they've been raised together, a Havanese and a cat should get along perfectly.

12. Can you have a Havanese with another dog?

As long as the other dog is also of a good-natured breed, then the Havanese should have no problem sharing a home and a family with another canine.

13. How big are Havanese dogs?

The average height of a Havanese dog is 8 to 11 inches at the shoulder (20 to 28 cm). As for that weight, they usually stay between 7 and 13 pounds (3 and 6 kg).

14. How much walking does a Havanese need?

Havanese dogs are pretty active for their size but, then again, their size is still very minuscule. So, 30-40 minutes of walking outside a day, divided into two walks should be enough. The rest of a Havanese’s energy can be expelled with playtime at home.

15. Do Havanese dogs need a yard?

Not really. If your dog has another canine pal then the Havanese might enjoy playing with him in the yard. But if you have only one dog and it's a Havanese, it’s not going to enjoy spending time alone in a yard. Instead, it would much rather stay at home and play with you in the living room.

16. How long do Havanese dogs live?

The average lifespan of a Havanese dog is 12 to 15 years. This is pretty standard for such a small breed and great overall. With the right care, a healthy Havanese will easily live well past that average too.

17. Are Havanese dogs healthy?

The Havanese is a pretty healthy breed overall, hence its long life span. However, if you make the mistake of getting a Havanese from a puppy mill, a pet store, or another place that doesn't offer health certificates then you might end up with a dog that has any of the following possible problems:

18. What type of coat do Havanese dogs have?

Havanese dogs have a thick, silky, light, and soft coat. In both the summer and the winter, their coat offers these dogs some pretty good isolation too. So, if you’re thinking of shaving your dog too short in the summer, keep in mind that you would actually make your dog feel more hot than it would otherwise.

19. Do Havanese dogs shed?

They do but not too much. Their silky coat sheds moderately throughout the year and is pretty easy to brush and comb once every several days. So, if you're looking for a dog that won’t turn your home into a hair salon then you can pick the Havanese.

20. How often should I bathe my Havanese dog?

A couple of baths a month are usually enough for this dog. Together with regular brushing, one bath every one to two weeks will keep your dog’s coat in perfect condition.

21. Are Havanese dogs high maintenance?

If you want to keep your Havanese coat at full length then this can be a relatively high maintenance dog. However, if you'd rather trim your dog's hair then the maintenance drops pretty significantly. Add the easy training, the indoor lifestyle and the Havanese is not too much trouble to work with.

22. What colors can Havanese dogs come in?

Havanese dogs can come in many different colors and color combinations. Below are the most common ones that you can easily find various others:

  • White
  • Black
  • Black and tan
  • Sable
  • Gray

23. Are Havanese dogs hypoallergenic?

Like the Poodle, the Havanese dog is generally considered hypoallergenic. This can seem silly considering the dog’s hairy coat. Yet, it's true. Still, keep in mind that there is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog. Such breeds are just dogs that are not as hard on people with allergies.

24. Do Havanese dogs bite?

Not any more than any other breed. Havanese dogs are friendly and social so as long as you train and socialize them well there should be no problem with biting. If your dog is biting you or others then it hasn't been raised well.

25. How much do Havanese puppies usually cost?

The average price for a Havanese puppy is usually between $1,000 and $1,500. This can feel pretty steep and it is. Depending on the breeder, the price can sometimes go as high as $2,500 too. However, that’s the price of having a healthy dog. On the other hand, you can find Havanese dogs in shelters and rescues too. There, they can be either free or come for a price somewhere in the low hundreds.

As you can see, the Havanese breed is great for many households but not for all. These dogs are cuddly, affectionate, and friendly but they also need lots of attention. They may have been bred to be people's companions but very often their owners feel like they are their dogs’ companions instead. If you can’t spend enough time with this dog then it might not be the perfect breed for you.

On the other hand, if you want a cuddly, furry friend to spend time with every day then the Havanese will happily oblige.

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