How to Keep Your Dog Cool During Hot Weather: 15 Effective Tips

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How to Keep Your Dog Cool During Hot Weather: 15 Effective Tips

Did you know that too much heat threatens your dog's health? 

That is why it’s important to take all the necessary precautions to protect them from heat-related illnesses that can affect them.

Here are 15 things you can do to keep your dog cool during hot days: 

Give your dog proper shade and shelter.

A shaded environment and a cool place to rest in warm weather, with plenty of fresh air, can help prevent your dog from overeating. You may choose shelter options such as: 

  • building or buying a dog house for your dog
  • setting up a place on the porch
  • or using the shade of a tree

Your dog’s shelter can be placed next to an open window, door, or a fan that can generate a gentle breeze. But please ensure that your dog's area has adequate ventilation and remains shaded from the sun throughout the day.  

In addition, the shelter should have enough space for your dog to move around comfortably. Also, consider the shelter's construction materials because if it is made of  metal, it will get scorching under the sun and radiate that heat inside. 

To minimize the heat, use an insulating substance like wood, thick plastic, or a covering made of absorbent cloth.

Keep your dog hydrated.

When the temperature outside is too high, you must ensure your dog can access lots of clean and fresh water throughout the day. Keeping your dog hydrated will: 

  • help maintain its body temperature stable
  • prevent heatstroke
  • and other potentially fatal conditions.

You may wish to invest in a larger water bowl or perhaps many smaller bowls strategically positioned about the house.

Take your dog to the vet clinic immediately if you spot symptoms of dehydration, such as droopy eyelids, dry gums, or a lack of energy.

Let your dog play with water in a doggy pool.

Swimming can be an efficient way to cool your dog off during hot summer days. You can let your dog use a kiddie or a doggy pool full of cool water. Most community pools do not allow pets inside, so investing in a doggy pool is a better option. 

Always monitor your when swimming, clean the pool after each use, and rinse them thoroughly. The pool area should be shaded if you want to keep your dog safe from the sun.

Not all dogs enjoy swimming, so it's best to ease them into the pool and ensure they feel comfortable.

Apply a cold compress to your dog.

To cool down your dog during hot weather days, you can apply cool compresses to its chest, tummy, or paws. This can lower your dog's body temperature and alleviate its discomfort.

The water should be cool, not cold because the extreme temperature change might also be dangerous for your dog. The compress can be refrigerated beforehand, but you must wait a few minutes before applying it to your dog. 

It's essential to keep an eye on your dog's demeanor and body language when you apply the compress because some dogs may not enjoy the cold feeling. If the compress gets too heated, throw it out or replace it again with cool water.

Limit your dog's outdoor exercise to early morning or late evening when temperatures are lower.

To help keep your dog comfortable on hot days, take shorter walks or save outdoor playtime during the early morning or late evening. By this time, the temperatures are often lower. 


Because exercise and exposure to heat might cause exhaustion or even heatstroke, which can be fatal. When walking your dog, rest and pull over when you notice indications of distress like panting, drooling, or lethargy.

Provide your dog with some frozen treats.

Did you know that dog love frozen treats too?

To help your dog feel cooler, give it some frozen treats made from chicken or beef broth in a Kong toy or an ice cube tray. Plus, it can help them stay hydrated.

You can also try mixing it with fresh blueberries or carrots for flavoring and added health benefits. If your dog tends to chew or swallow huge chunks, especially puppies, you should watch them closely as they enjoy their frozen treat. 

Use a dog cooling collar, vest, or mat.

You can also assist your dog in maintaining a comfortable body temperature while it sleeps by using a cooling pad or collar. Most cooling collars use a material that pulls heat away from your dog's neck and disperses it into the air, which creates a pleasantly cold feeling. 

Cooling mats can be used indoors or on a flat surface for your dog to sleep. Also, you can use a cooling vest made especially for dogs, which you can fill with water or a cooling gel.

If you use these items, choose those made from non-toxic materials. Different cooling items have different preparation requirements, some need refrigeration or soaking in water before use. 

Avoid walking your dog on hot pavement and use grassy areas instead.

To prevent your dog's paws from the extreme heat, you must avoid taking them for walks on hot pavement. In the summertime, the pavement and other hard surfaces can grow quite hot, which can be painful or dangerous for your dog's paws. 

Grassy areas are often cooler and softer for your dog’s paw. Walk your dog in the morning or late evening when there isn’t much heat.

Always check the temperature of the sidewalk or street before you put your dog down. You may also use dog socks or shoes to protect the paws. 

Consider trimming your dog's fur or thick coat to prevent overheating.

If your dog has long or thick hair, cutting it short before summer can help keep it from overheating. A long coat can make it difficult for your dog to control their body temperature. 

Fur trimming has many benefits, including :

  • making your dog's environment more bearable
  • reducing shedding
  • preventing matting and tangling
  • and making the atmosphere more conducive to sleep and play.

If you plan on cutting your dog's hair, consider how much you want to cut off while giving it enough protection from the harsh elements. Avoid cutting too close to the skin, and use a trim that preserves the coat's insulating properties. 

You can also take them to a professional groomer because they have the equipment and training to safely and effectively trim your dog's hair and offer guidance on the ideal cut for your dog.

Place a doggy fan or air-conditioning near your dog's sleeping area.

A fan or air conditioning can generate a refreshing breeze for your dog in warm weather and assist in keeping your dog cool and comfortable by circulating air that can cut down on the room's temperature.

A safe and effective fan, suitable for your dog's size and living conditions, should be installed in an easily accessible and secure area. 

If your dog has sensitive skin or eyes, monitor how they react to the fan and avoid direct contact with your pet whenever possible. 

You may need to gently introduce the fan to a dog that is fearful of it because of the noise or the motion and reward it once it becomes accustomed to the fan.

Give your dog cool baths to help lower its body temperature.

When the weather outside is particularly warm, a cool bath might help reduce your dog's temperature and wash away the dirt and debris accumulated on your dog's skin and coat. 

Use shampoos and conditioners designed for dogs, and avoid products with strong chemicals or smells that can cause skin irritation must be avoided.

Make sure to moisten your dog down to the skin, avoiding the ears, eyes, and nose before gently rinsing them. 

Also, remember that too many baths can harm your dog's skin and coat. It removes their natural oils and leaving their skin and coat dry. 

Give your dog some ice cubes to lick and play with.

Another terrific method to help your dogs stay cool in hot weather is by providing ice cubes for your dog to enjoy. Aside from being a tasty treat, ice might help reduce your dog's temperature.

You can also put the ice cubes in your dog's water bowl or give them as a treat but don't let them have too much of it at once, or it could cause an upset stomach or pain.

Never leave your dog in a parked car.

Another important consideration is never leaving your dog inside a parked car, especially if the temperature outside is quite high. Even with the windows slightly opened, the interior temperature of a parked automobile can swiftly climb to fatal levels, posing a severe threat to your dog's life.

It can cause :

  • heatstroke
  • organ failure
  • brain damage
  • or even death.

If you must travel with your dog, never leave them alone in a parked vehicle, even briefly.

Leaving a dog in a car during hot weather is reckless and can endanger the life of your pups. In some countries, leaving your dog inside the vehicle is punishable by law

Spray your dog with cool water from a misting bottle to help them cool down.

Another way to cool your dogs is by spraying them with cool water from a misting bottle. You can fill the misting bottle with cool water and spray it onto the dog's fur, avoiding the face, nose, and eyes. You can also sprinkle it on their chest, belly, and paws. However, extremely cold water can be uncomfortable or shocking, so make sure the water’s temperature is not too cold for your dog. 

Seek immediate veterinary attention if your dog shows signs of heatstroke.

Take your dog to the doctor immediately if you suspect they suffer from heatstroke or another heat-related illness. Dogs with heatstroke may exhibit symptoms such as: 

  • panting
  • excessive thirst
  • rapid heartbeat
  • lightheadedness
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • disorientation
  • seizures
  • and collapse.


In summary, your dog's health is at risk in the heat, so you must ensure to keep them cool and comfortable all day. Remember that it's better to be safe than sorry. Keep your dog cool and safe from the heat by following our tips above!

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